The Balkan Express
In this February the winter conference’s main speaker is Nicola Galevski. He is the founder of Macedonian student movement, the father of two children, who finished his study at Regent Theological Seminary in Vancouver. As a frequently invited lecteurer of IFES, he travels around Europe and gives seminars and teachings of the Scriptures in varied topics
The prophet
This year we would like to study the short Book of Jonah. As a prophet of God, he experienced the fruits of disobidience, the depth of depression and succsess and fulfillment of his calling. This topic we want to touch and to be discussed at Eger, Hungary.
And the students
The MEKDSZ Winter Conference is a bilangual conference. English translaters will be provided for helping the strangers and visitors in understanding of our programs. Our goal is to have a great international student conference for this Central European Region. You, Slovakians, Bohemians, Serbians, Austrians, Polish, Rumanian, Slovenian, Croatians and Ukranian (and others from Earth) are very welcome to Eger!
With love:
The staff of MEKDSZ
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About conference fee>>
Our website: www.mekdsz.hu
More information: iroda @ mekdsz.hu
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